Thoughts & Reflections

Affirmations, those seemingly simple yet potentially life-changing statements we repeat to ourselves, have garnered significant attention in the world of self-improvement. You've likely come across claims about their transformative powers, but the question lingers: do affirmations really work? Well, the answer isn't a straightforward "yes" or "no."...

The New Moon eclipse in Libra serves as a celestial spotlight, focusing its cosmic energy on relationships. Much like the moon's temporary obscuration during an eclipse, this lunar phase invites us to face the sometimes uncomfortable truths within our connections, encouraging us to extricate ourselves from limiting dynamics and move toward...

World Mental Health Day, observed on October 10th each year, holds significant historic importance as it has played a crucial role in raising awareness and reducing stigma surrounding mental health globally. Here's a brief overview of its historic significance:

Reiki, pronounced "Ray-key," has an aura of mystery surrounding it, as if it's the key to unlocking the secrets of the universe. Well, let's unravel the mystique with a touch of humor and a dose of clarity.

In the convergence of the full moon and lunar eclipse on October 28, commencing a significant cycle within the pragmatic realm of Taurus, we stand at the threshold of a profound emotional culmination. This cosmic alignment heralds an intensified exploration of passions intertwined with scarcity and unmet needs, setting the stage for a...