Thoughts & Reflections

This week calls for a deep dive into our inner psyche. It is not surprising though since this Friday we see a New Moon in Taurus which means that we should be open to new opportunities coming to light served to us by our intuition. Every new moon is time to acknowledge our fears, learn from them and regain control over our lives....

during the course of an intake conversation with a new client today, it became crystal clear that he is a chronic people pleaser. it was clear from this conversation that he was having anxiety issues, trying to please family and partner alike but not able to make anyone happy. instead he was suffering from skin outbreaks, sleepless nights and a...

So yesterday I went ahead and spilt my guts in a private Facebook group and came clean about my mental health and how I'm still works in progress. Considering everything I'm doing well. I posted it as a last minute thing, debating with myself whether it was the right thing to do since it contained the harsh reality of my...

This morning I pulled a card from Rebecca Campbell's Work Your Light Oracle deck.