Do Affirmations Really Work? A Deep Dive into Their Effectiveness


Affirmations, those seemingly simple yet potentially life-changing statements we repeat to ourselves, have garnered significant attention in the world of self-improvement. You've likely come across claims about their transformative powers, but the question lingers: do affirmations really work? Well, the answer isn't a straightforward "yes" or "no." Let's explore this topic in more detail.

In the realm of self-help, affirmations have become a prominent tool for personal growth and empowerment. A quick search on the internet reveals an abundance of books dedicated to the subject, offering a plethora of positive affirmations tailored to various life goals. Whether you're seeking to boost your confidence, find love, or achieve financial success, there's an affirmation out there ready made for you.

My personal journey with affirmations began when I delved into Louise L. Hay's book, "You Can Heal Your Life." At the time, I was on a quest to heal the wounds and scars that life had left behind. While my academic background in psychology and coaching equipped me with valuable tools for personal development, I was intrigued by the potential of affirmations to supplement and enhance this process.

The fundamental premise behind affirmations is quite simple: by repeatedly affirming positive statements to yourself, you can reshape your mindset and manifest your dreams. However, there's a crucial caveat to consider. Standard, ready made affirmations are most effective when there isn't a deep well of trauma lurking in your past. Traumatic experiences can embed negative beliefs so firmly in your subconscious that attempting to overwrite them with affirmations may backfire.

Picture this scenario: you've spent a lifetime receiving negative feedback, dealing with rejection, abuse, or trauma. Suddenly, you encounter an affirmation like "I am beautiful," which contradicts your deeply ingrained negative self-perception. Your brain resists, leading to cognitive dissonance. It's akin to trying to paint over a cracked wall—no matter how many layers of paint you apply, the crack remains, and the paint eventually peels away.

So, how can you make affirmations truly work for you? Here are some essential principles to consider:

  • Personal: Start your affirmations with "I" to establish a personal connection with the statement.
  • Positive: Phrase your affirmations in a positive manner, as your subconscious doesn't distinguish between negative and positive language.
  • Verb Tense: Frame your affirmations in the present continuous tense, making them feel immediate and achievable.
  • Realistic: Ensure your affirmations align with your personal goals and values. Avoid overly ambitious or unrealistic claims. The key to avoiding cognitive dissonance is a personal connection to the statement. For instance, phrases like 'I am rich with xxK € in my account' may be overly ambitious. Start by removing the specific amount and consider replacing 'rich' if it triggers negative associations. Don't hesitate to consult Tessie, my trusty Thesaurus, for alternatives. I often use it with clients to find more resonant affirmations.
  • Concise: While keeping it concise is ideal, prioritize clarity over brevity. Your affirmations should be easily repeatable during various times of the day.

NOTE: Consider the emotional aspect of your affirmations. They should evoke gratitude, compassion, patience, and pride. These emotions will help reinforce the positive beliefs you're striving to cultivate.

Parasympathetic and Sympathetic. Parasympathetic affirmations 

I categorise affirmations into two types: Parasympathetic and Sympathetic. 

Parasympathetic affirmations are longer and emotionally driven, intended to guide you back to a positive mindset during challenging moments. In contrast, Sympathetic affirmations are concise yet powerful, suitable for moments of stress or anxiety. Depending on your specific needs and goals, affirmations are crafted accordingly. Occasionally, we condense a Parasympathetic affirmation into a Sympathetic one. In such cases, it's essential to handle the transition with care to maintain the affirmation's meaning and effectiveness.

Creating personalised affirmations involves setting SMART goals, connecting with the emotions tied to those goals, and crafting statements that resonate with your values. You can even use techniques like muscle testing to assess resonance. Establish a daily routine for repeating your affirmations, and periodically assess your progress. Be prepared to adjust your statements as needed until they become an integral part of your mindset.

Remember, affirmations are not a quick fix. They require dedication, adjustment, and patience. However, when integrated successfully into your subconscious, they can wield transformative power in your life.

If you're interested in creating your personalized affirmations, I offer a program meticulously designed to guide you through this transformative process. Affirmations can indeed become a valuable and empowering tool on your path toward personal growth and fulfillment, granted you employ them correctly and realistically.

This program is structured into three sessions, as outlined below:

Session 1 (60-90 minutes):

  • Establishing or revisiting SMART goals
  • Tapping into the emotions associated with these goals and assessing their resonance
  • Crafting and testing personalized affirmations
  • Defining the number of repetitions and choosing locations for affirmation practice
  • Distinguishing between wanting and doing, with the incorporation of a Ulysses contract to fortify commitment for the next 30 days

Session 2 (45 minutes):

  • Progress check-in
  • Fine-tuning and optimizing affirmations
  • Engaging in a guided meditation based on the affirmations to embed positive emotions into the statements

Session 3 (30-45 minutes):

  • A follow-up check-in to evaluate the effectiveness of the affirmations
  • Measuring success and addressing any challenges or difficulties encountered

Additionally, an optional 30-minute catch-up call after four weeks is available for those who wish to continue their journey.

As your coach, I'm here to provide unwavering support, guidance, and a trustworthy confidante throughout your fulfilling journey of personal development. Your success is my ultimate goal, and I'm here to be your cheerleader every step of the way.