cards for the week: inspiration and guidance


This week calls for a deep dive into our inner psyche. It is not surprising though since this Friday we see a New Moon in Taurus which means that we should be open to new opportunities coming to light served to us by our intuition.  Every new moon is time to acknowledge our fears, learn from them and regain control over our lives.

So as I said, these cards are not a coincidence

The first card: THE PROPHET from the Magdalene Oracle Deck tells us that everything will unfold in due time and revealed at the perfect moment.  Patience is needed here. The past weeks have seen us go through some really crazy energies. I'm pretty sure some of you felt like screaming, laughing or crying or all three at the same time. Yes, the build up to a New Moon can be crazy but it's all part of the game as the build up for some releasing. This card asks us to clear our mind so that we can hear the guidance in our hearts. Inspiration will come out of nowhere, in the places you least expect them. 

Second card: DO I BELIEVE I AM WORTHY? YES!!! You ARE worthy of it all!! Start seeing the beauty within you and claim the gifts that have been bestowed on you. Revisit your goals, reconnect with the steps you took and weed out the things that haven't helped you in your past. Call a friend or a coach to help you create new steps to achieve the success you are so worth of!

Third card: PERFECTION ... speak and live your truth always because as I said before... YOU ARE WORTHY OF IT ALL.  However, this card comes with a gentle warning because your truth might not necessarily help others.  Honestly without kindness is cruelty. See the beauty in yourself and others. This card also signifies that there is a compassionate transformation ahead. If you practice meditation try this: think about the people in your life. Find something good about every person who comes into your mind (no matter who they are or how you feel about them), before you release them. You will know this meditation has concluded when no more people come forward.

Have a beautiful week, release the old, make space for new and if you would like to know more on how this New Moon in Taurus will be effecting you or which of the 12 Houses it will fall in, then contact me

Till Next Week... and remember YOU ARE TOTALLY WORTHY OF IT ALL!!