Dispelling Reiki Myths


Reiki, pronounced "Ray-key," has an aura of mystery surrounding it, as if it's the key to unlocking the secrets of the universe. Well, let's unravel the mystique with a touch of humor and a dose of clarity.

  1. Reiki Practitioners Heal: Contrary to superhero status, we're more like compassionate energy middlepersons. Reiki energy flows through us, not from us. And guess what? Healing requires permission from the recipient.

  2. Reiki Treatments Should Be Free: Just like any other skilled profession, Reiki practitioners invest time and effort in honing their craft. So, nope, it's not free like grandma's cookies.

  3. Believe in Angels for Reiki? Nah: You don't need to be on a first-name basis with angels or consult your crystal ball for Reiki to work. It's refreshingly supernatural-free!

  4. Reiki is a Religion? Not at All: There's no Reiki congregation, no pope of Reiki, and no holy hymns. It's all about inner balance and positive vibes.

  5. Reiki Heals...Anything...Forever: While it works wonders, Reiki isn't a magic wand. Healing is a process, like watching a TV series. Multiple episodes (sessions) are often needed to see the full storyline unfold.

  6. No Reiki for Pacemakers: Forget that one! Reiki and pacemakers coexist just fine, like a peaceful picnic in the park.

  7. One-Size-Fits-All Reiki? Not Quite: Reiki practitioners come in all flavors. Some sprinkle crystals, others consult spirit guides, and some just let the Reiki energy flow. Find the flavor that suits your taste.

  8. Healers Never Get Sick? Dream on: Even Reiki practitioners catch nasty colds or get terrible illnesses. But we do use Reiki for self-care, and that's a little slice of magic in our daily routines.

Reiki teaches us five principles to live by…

For today only I shall not anger
For today only I shall not worry
For today only I shall be grateful
For today only I shall be kind
For today only I shall be honest

I personally recite these principles daily, like a friendly reminder from a trusted friend. Sure, there are days when I stumble and slip up, but I've learned to acknowledge them, share a laugh with myself, and then get back on track, reaffirming my commitment to these beautiful principles. They've become my daily companions, and I wholeheartedly encourage you to welcome them into your life too.

So, there you have it! Reiki isn't a mysterious cult; it's a journey of self-discovery and well-being. Remember, Reiki is a complement, not a replacement, for medical care. And if you're curious, book a session - no crystal ball required! Your well-being is worth every moment of self-care.