Unlocking Inner Peace: How Coaching Transformed Anxiety into Strength


My client arrives for her accountability coaching session. Today, there's a noticeable difference in her demeanor—she appears worried yet calm, and there's a hint of a smile on her face. Curious about her state, I ask, "How are you today and what's up?"

Her reply leaves me astonished: "I think I'm there, Celine! After years of therapy and coaching, I can finally anticipate and manage my anxiety attacks. I am in control, deciding their duration, if they occur at all."

Witnessing this breakthrough is a coach's dream, and it fills me with joy and admiration.

Client Background

Meet Zoe, a 42-year-old mother of three, married, and working part-time. When I first encountered Zoe online, she was teetering on the edge of a nervous breakdown. Overwhelmed by her roles as a mother, wife, and employee, she found little time for herself. The guilt she experienced for indulging in self-care, even with something as simple as a longer shower, was heart-wrenching. Zoe compensated for this guilt by overcompensating for her family and neglecting her own needs. Her exhaustion was palpable. Additionally, she had endured the aftermath of sexual abuse as a teenager, further affecting her self-confidence and self-esteem. Wearing masks of false self-confidence, she concealed her true struggles and began retreating from the outside world.

Coaching Approach: To support Zoe's journey, I designed a coaching approach as a complement to her previous therapy sessions. The goal was to help her establish a routine that honored her time and well-being, free from guilt.

Key Steps and Tips

Identifying Life Transformation Areas: We initially focused on identifying and prioritizing the areas that required the most attention. By understanding her needs, we could tailor the coaching process accordingly.

Integration of Daily Practices: Together, we integrated simple yet powerful exercises into Zoe's daily activities. For instance:

  1. Gratitude Practice: Zoe incorporated a gratitude practice during her showers, expressing appreciation for the present moment and small joys in her life.

  2. Observing and Letting Go: During her daily commute on the bus, Zoe practiced mindfulness by observing her surroundings and letting go of any anxious thoughts.

  3. Weekly Planning: To reduce stress around, for example, meal preparation Zoe created weekly menus, allowing her more time to engage in activities she enjoyed.

  4. Bedtime Routine: Zoe established a calming bedtime routine that included breath work, meditation, or journaling, depending on her preference and availability. Consistency was key, and celebrating even small achievements was encouraged.

Recognizing Triggers and Building Resilience:

  1. Body Awareness: Over time, Zoe developed an increased awareness of her body's signals, enabling her to anticipate anxiety attacks. When at home, she learned to quickly wash her face with ice-cold water to alleviate symptoms. When outside, she used simple tools like playing with a rubber band to redirect her focus.

  2. Diffusing Trigger Words: Together, we trained Zoe to recognize trigger words and to diffuse or reframe them depending on the situation. This empowered her to regain control of her thoughts and emotions.

  3. Mindfulness Habits: Zoe incorporated small mindfulness practices into her daily routine to maintain focus and cultivate resilience.

  4. Embracing Imperfections: Zoe learned to embrace imperfections, understanding that true self-acceptance lies in embracing and celebrating one's flaws.

Zoe's progress has been remarkable, and she continues to thrive. Regular coaching calls provide ongoing support as she addresses personal issues and navigates new triggers. Knowing she has a coach by her side to serve as a sounding board and cheerleader empowers Zoe to face challenges head-on.

This inspiring story reinforces the potential for transformation and resilience within each of us, serving as a reminder that through commitment, self-awareness, and support, we can conquer anxiety and reclaim control over our lives.

Feel free to reach out and start a conversation if you're interested in experiencing the same transformative outcomes as Zoe did—liberation through rituals and routines, freedom from guilt, and the ability to truly be yourself. I'm excited to hear from you and begin this journey together.