Navigating the Week Ahead


Empowering Insights and Guidance with Oracle Cards

This week marks our transition from a powerfully intense Full Moon. As the healing process continues, we are encouraged to release negative energies and create space for new opportunities. Let us express gratitude for the growth and learning opportunities that have come our way in the past, even though they no longer serve us. Throughout this week, let us persist in making room, letting go, and embracing the clarity with gratitude and love.

The Oracle cards for this week beautifully reflect this lightheartedness.

The first card carries a healing message. Archangel Raphael, known as the supreme healer within the Angelic Realm, has acknowledged your prayers for healing. He will guide you and provide signs and ideas to help you follow intuitive impulses that lead to better health. Furthermore, Archangel Raphael will assist you in reducing or eliminating unhealthy cravings—an important consideration after yesterday's Full Moon, as full moons are associated with abundance. If you found yourself indulging more than usual, reach out to Archangel Raphael for support in getting back on track. Prayer to Archangel Raphael offers various benefits. As the angel of healing, Raphael can help you during difficult times, provide healing, and guide you when you feel lost. By praying to Archangel Raphael, you open yourself up to receive his healing energy and guidance. Here is a prayer I personally find powerful and use when I require healing or am going through challenging times:

"Archangel Raphael, we humbly ask you to surround us with your healing light. Fill us with your strength and wisdom so that we may overcome our challenges and experience lasting inner peace. Help us release our fears and doubts, opening our hearts to the love of the Divine/Source/Spirit. Guide us on our journey towards wholeness, leading us back to the Divine/Source/Spirit. Amen."

The second card is an Affirmation card from the deck "Because I Love Myself" (because, why not?!). It conveys a simple yet profound message that aligns with Archangel Raphael's card: "I AM GOOD." This affirmation acknowledges the good we have done in the world, the times we have demonstrated compassion, peace, and courage. Embracing this goodness as our inherent truth becomes a frequent experience. Whenever you find yourself doubting or questioning your intentions, return to this affirmation to realign yourself.

Lastly, the card for this week is "FALL INTO MY ARMS." It invites you to welcome both the highs and lows of life and perceive them as moments of growth rather than rewards or punishments. In the current fast-paced era, we tend to quantify our experiences, often missing their true essence. Seek assistance from the Divine/Source/Spirit/God to gracefully embrace life's extremes.

Wishing you all a wonderful week ahead and remember...

"Embrace the flow, create your glow!"

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