Navigating the Week Ahead


Insights and Guidance for the Week Ahead

Happy Monday, everyone! As we begin a new week, we're also approaching an exciting celestial event—the Full Strawberry Moon in Sagittarius. Sagittarius, the adventurous fire sign ruled by Jupiter, sets the stage for a week filled with potential and promise. If you have the Moon in Sagittarius, you naturally embrace an optimistic outlook on life, even during challenging times.

In alignment with the energies of the week, the cards I've drawn carry significant messages. Let's dive in! The first card is Ride The Wave. Whether or not you're currently experiencing summer vibes like we are in Zurich, this card evokes fond memories of my childhood when I spotted dolphins while visiting Malta's sister island, Gozo. The essence of this card is that you're entering a period of abundance where opportunities will flow effortlessly. Keep an eye out for even the smallest chances that come your way, as they can lead to great things.

Now, let's move on to the second card. Despite my usual inclination toward caution, I didn't feel a sense of doom when I drew the WORRY card. Surprisingly, it conveys the opposite message. Worrying doesn't alter the outcome of events, so it's crucial to use your energy wisely. Negative emotions like worry only serve to attract negative outcomes. To ease your spirit this week, try releasing worries through practices such as focused breathing or meditation. Alternatively, a splash of icy cold water on your face can help alleviate anxiety. Remember, you're guided by the love and light of the Divine, and you can trust that you are cared for, loved, and supported.

What you choose to FOCUS on shapes your reality and attracts corresponding experiences. Therefore, direct your attention towards the opportunities that surround you. Each thought and emotion you cultivate contributes to creating your future. It's important to be mindful of how you spend your time. If needed, take breaks and prioritize self-care. The tasks awaiting you will still be there when you return; they won't disappear. When worry knocks on your door, shift your focus to the most urgent and important task at hand. One helpful technique is to step away from your current activity for just 20 seconds, perhaps gazing out of a window while focusing on a single point, all while observing your breath. Another method is to concentrate on a flickering flame, which can help calm your worries and center your attention on what truly matters.

I wish you all a highly successful week ahead. Keep your eyes peeled for opportunities, and ride the wave with confidence and grace!

"Embrace the flow, create your glow!"

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