• Clear limiting beliefs 
  • Getting in touch with your shadow self
  • Anchoring Positivity in your daily routine
  • Create sustainable and simple habits 
  • Release trapped emotions
  • Finding Balance and Flow
  • click here to know more
  • Natal Chart reading
  • Explanation of the 12 Houses
  • Full Moon and New Moon Rituals
  • Support Group
  • Planning according to the moon cycles
  • Set meaningful goals and create a purposeful and aligned life 
  • click here to know more

  • Personalized Affirmations for Goals
  • Emotional Resonance & Crafting
  • Guided Meditation for Empowerment
  • Accountability 
  • Progress Check-Ins & Support
  • click here to know more

  • Encourages deep relaxation
  • Supports medical treatment by reducing side-effects of pain and drug therapy
  • General energy balancing and adjusting flow
  • Supports the immune system
  • Encourages self-care and fosters a loving relationship with oneself.
  • click here to know more